BRIDGE Cooperation

We are thrilled to share a new milestone in the domOS project, our cooperation with the prestigious BRIDGE initiative.

BRIDGE, an initiative backed by the European Commission, serves as a powerful nexus where the realms of Horizon 2020 and Horizon Europe Smart Grid, Energy Storage, Islands, and Digitalisation Projects converge. This dynamic union seeks to forge a comprehensive understanding of the cross-cutting challenges that often arise during demonstration projects – hurdles that could potentially hinder innovation.

Through the BRIDGE process, a vibrant exchange of knowledge thrives among projects, paving the way for robust insights, conclusions, and recommendations. These collective perspectives carry a unified voice, harmoniously resonating through four distinct Working Groups, each dedicated to a pivotal realm of interest:

  • Data Management

  • Business Models

  • Regulations

  • Consumer and Citizen Engagement

This collaboration holds the promise of not only addressing the challenges at hand but also illuminating pathways for future exploitation of project results.


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