Collaboration with DVI Energi

Our partners NEOGRID TECHNOLOGIES, have joined forces with DVI Energi.

As an integral component of the domOS project, NEOGRID TECHNOLOGIES has developed an intelligent PriceOptimizer. This innovative solution automatically schedules heat pump operations to avoid costly peak hours while maximizing utilization during periods of lower energy prices. Leveraging historic data from the energy meter (electricity or heat), outdoor and indoor temperatures, along with forecast data on weather conditions (including temperature, sun, and wind) and costs of electricity, the PriceOptimizer optimally plans heat pump operations. Furthermore, if the dwelling incorporates photovoltaic (PV) panels, historical export data from the distribution system operator (DSO) is collected, enabling the incorporation of self-produced electricity into the scheduling process.

DVI Energi has now integrated the PriceOptimizer into DVI Energi's heat pumps, enabling the heat pump to consider factors like electricity prices and preparing it for integration into the intelligent energy system, SmartGrid. This collaboration offers users enhanced energy management capabilities, allowing for optimized usage.


Brochure Update


domOS final event speaker: Frédéric Revaz