domOS and Sustainable Places

We are excited to announce that we have updated our cooperation page with a special section dedicated to our participation in the impactful workshops of Sustainable Places. As we reflect on our journey, we are proud to have been a part of the Sustainable Places community since 2020! We express our heartfelt gratitude to Sustainable Places for having us in their esteemed conferences year after year.

🏙️ In 2020, domOS made its debut at the "Smart Buildings" workshop, where we explored innovative solutions to enhance building intelligence and energy efficiency.

🏗️ In 2021, we joined the "Buildings into Active Nodes" workshop, delving into cutting-edge technologies that transform buildings into interconnected nodes for a smarter, more sustainable future.

🔧 In 2022, our team took part in the "Innovations for Upgrading the Smartness of Buildings" workshop, sparking collaborative ideas for elevating the intelligence of our built environment.

🏠 This year, we had the privilege to participate in the "Smart Homes and Buildings" paper session, where our project coordinator Dominique Gabioud shared insights into creating more intelligent and eco-friendly homes.

Explore our Sustainable Places section to learn more about our contributions and the remarkable insights gained through this fantastic community!

We look forward to witnessing the continued growth of sustainability-driven initiatives.


Upcoming M39 General Assembly Meeting


Neuchatel, Switzerland