Platforms page

We are thrilled to announce the launch of our new "Platforms" page on the domOS website! This page showcases the three platforms that have been upgraded to the domOS ecosystem specification: cloud.iO, S-IOT, and domOS-Arrowhead.

The domOS ecosystem is a specification based on existing and emerging IoT standards, allowing smart services for buildings to be decoupled from the underlying appliances and devices in buildings.

Cloud.iO is a scalable open-source Internet of Things solution that supports the connection of a vast number of devices to a central cloud platform. It enables applications to monitor and control things in real-time, and access the history of measurements and setpoints. Cloud.iO is an ideal mediation platform between distributed things and applications, offering state-of-the-art encryption and certificate-based authentication for all connections.

domOS-Arrowhead is a scalable open platform for enabling smart services to access domestic buildings and their installed devices. It acts as a mediator between the service, the building, and the devices, enforcing access control. An instance of the domOS-Arrowhead platform is run, administered, and hosted by a platform operator, while the building owner manages the building, devices, and access rights. domOS-Arrowhead uses the Arrowhead SOA industrial automation framework to implement its services.

Visit our Platforms page to learn more!


S-IOT Platform


Arrowhead Platform Interview