domOS Platforms

We are excited to announce the release of an interview at the EU BUILD UP platform with our partners Frédéric Revaz from HES-SO Valais and Brian Nielsen from Aalborg University, where they discussed their work within the domOS project and introduced their respective platforms.

The domOS ecosystem is a solution for energy management that provides a way to decouple field infrastructure in buildings and applications. With the rise of online devices and appliances in buildings today, the deployment of applications spanning more than one subsystem is often difficult or impossible. This can be a problem for energy management, which requires the synchronized operation of multiple appliances.

To address this problem, the domOS project has upgraded three platforms: cloud.iO, S-IOT, and Arrowhead. These platforms have been implemented with limited effort and can be used to implement the domOS ecosystem specification.


Heat Generator Control Algorithm


International Workshop on Future Mobile Computing and Internet of Things